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Ethereal Beings are entities that exist outside of our own realm while being capable of coexisting with it. They are also theorized to be composed of unordinary matter. While they are incorporeal, they are capable of interacting with and influencing the material realm that we exist in, travelling between it and their own realm(s). This means that they are responsible for various paranormal activity and phenomena, which includes ghosts, hauntings, and other inexplicable events.

Due to the nature of ethereal beings, it is difficult to obtain much concrete information on them. This also means that some people do not believe in they exist, while others still believe that they do. They are present in many different religions and belief systems, also existing throughout folklore. They also appear in pop culture - ghosts in particular are widely spread throughout a diverse array of media, be it fictional or not.


One idea says that ethereal beings are composed of aether, also known as the supposed fifth element (water, earth, fire, and air being the previous four). This hypothetical element has had a variety of definitions, including:

  • Being what "the heavens" are made of.
    • Similarly, the air that gods breath.
  • Something that only exists outside of the material world.
  • Something lacking physical qualities (temperature, physical substance, etc.)
  • Something to do with the substance of the soul.
  • A substance that is imperceptible but everywhere.



Deities are aspects of Divinity; the many human names for different deities represent the many different aspects of Divinity, which in itself is an underlying force that creates all things.


Angels are another aspect of creation.


Demons are agents of destruction.


Ghosts appear to be memories of people that existed in a certain location. It is commonly theorized that ghosts may be the spirits of people who are stuck on Earth. They may be attached to a particular place or object. Others believe that ghosts have a specific purpose - typically to communicate something in particular. They leave when their purpose is fulfilled. This can lead to the uncertain records of hauntings. Ghosts are memories; memories are forgotten, are no longer necessary, or simply move on.

Ghosts are most widely associated with areas where a large number of deaths occured. War sites, such as Gettysburg, are clear examples of this.


  • Parasites
  • Fairies
  • Other elemental beings